Top 10 Programming Priorities
“People listen to be entertained… Striving to provide the best entertainment available with the music we play, the promotions we do & the air staff we recruit every day exceeding the day before. Listeners get caught up in the excitement & the enthusiasm and are a major part of keeping the big picture BIG!”
1. The Music.
Determine a focused strategic universe.
Achieve music flow, balance, and continuity.
Maintain Freshness and integrate research.
2. Morning Show.
Review content and continuity.
Lend enthusiastic support and guidance. Keep Focused and Happy!
3. Personalities.
Weekly direction, coaching & air checks.
Improve weekends. Constantly recruit and upgrade. Feedback.
4. Promotions.
Constantly be creating ideas and collaborating with others on theirs. Create Promotions meetings with the morning show and sales team.
Use informative teaser and congrats promos & liners for maximum impact.
Monitor legality and logistics. Show up to your promotions and have staff enthusiastically present at station events.
5. Positioning.
Keep positioning well defined, but maintain freshness and creativity. Listener promos stating why they listen. Create a personal “Stationality!”
6. Research.
Be a walking research project. Talk to everyone about the station. Attend all promotions. Maintain channels for sales & staff feedback.
Answer all comment & complaint letters, emails, and calls promptly. Maintain request sheets and comment logs. Plan strategies to implement research results. Maintain a constant sense of where the format and industry is going.
7. Marketing.
Think Big! Seek topical, hip and relevant marketing through promotion. Reinforce major marketing themes with all topical affiliations.
Get morning shows maximum exposure. Dominate mass media channels. Use press releases & conferences to publicize major projects. Seek cross-promotion opportunities with TV. Be involved, and give something back. Local public service. Give the station credit. Advertise what we advertise.
8. Engineering Programming Interface.
Monitor the sound of the station & suggest improvements & weak areas. Ensure available tools are used to bring station sound to full potential. Make sure the engineer is responsive & accountable to the needs of programming staff.
9. Leadership & Team Building.
Share the vision! Lead from a posture of character, principle, influence, and example. You’re never too big to do small things. Let people know where they stand. Find everyone doing something right. Address behavior and performance problems quickly & with compassion. Hire the right people, hire your weakness. Manage conflict, and insist on mutual respect.
10. The Big Picture.
Radio stations are interdependent people-driven organizations, be human. Encourage employees to see beyond the scope of their job descriptions & not lose sight of the organization’s major goals. Open and improve communication channels. Remember everybody is important, each department is essential & each employee should be treated with equal respect
Most Importantly “Have Fun!”
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