Gain a Competitive Edge from Coaching, Feedback, Inspiration, and Motivation

The best performers in every business have coaches and mentors to help focus and guide them to stay in the “It” zone.

Everyone Needs A Coach

Do you know a radio or podcast talent that could benefit from direction and coaching?

Would you like to see an increase in the performance of the most important element, the content?

Are you doing everything you can to stay on your game and improve performance?

To keep listeners tuned in to everything that you do on your show is impossible! Or is it?

Does your talent have the “It” factor?

Do you know what “It” is?

Even though content is King (and Queen), most of todays content creators don’t get the attention or time they need for development.

Radio Station Program Directors, Operations Managers, General Managers, and Station Managers are spread through so many daily tasks, that in many cases talent doesn’t get the time they need for input, improvement, or continued motivation…much less talent development.

Steve Wall’s worked with and coaches some of the biggest names in the radio industry. By utilizing Wall’s 30+ years of on air, programming, consulting, mentoring, directing and coaching high performance talent, your skills will improve. Wall’s unique experience will increase any personality’s performance. You will naturally sound more authentic, increase ratings, increase income as well as your market equity. This will solidify your brand in today’s crowded marketplace, where distribution is ever evolving…

Proven and Consistent #1 Top Ratings in key female demographics; Persons 25-54, P18-34, P12+, P6+. #1 in San Diego, #1 Kansas City, #1 Nashville, #1 Monterey-Santa Cruz-Salinas, #2 Richmond, #1 Bakersfield, #1 Sacramento, #1 Stockton, #1 Modesto, #1 Fresno, #1 Denver, #2 Spokane, Jones Radio Network. Ranked among the highest rated and most successful radio stations in the United States (Arbitron / Nielsen). KDON, KKXX, XHTZ, KMXV, KWIN, KWNN, KBOS, KSKG, KXLY.

Radio Stations, Air Talent, Podcast Hosts, Artists, Musicians. Radio Programming, Radio Talent Development, Consulting, Coaching, Marketing, Promotion, Content Syndication, Artist Relations, Management, Music Programming, Research, Radio Commercial Production.

If you’re ready to develop a winning strategy contact TalentFarm to get started on increasing your performance now.

Are you doing everything you can to improve your performance?

Does the sound of your station need a check up?

Do your promotions or marketing strategy need to be refreshed?

Contact Talent Farm to set up a free consultation, and take the next step in increasing your performance.